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Your Invitation

Stephanie Hanouw

We will see Him face to face at His soon return.

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27

Heavenly Father, the bells ring out Your soon return. They ring loud and clear.

"Harken to the bells all ye people who align under the cover of almighty God. His return is near. Soon He will appear and you will see Him face to face. His scepter is in His hand. He is coming to rule and reign over His territory. He is Lord. He is King of Kings. He makes straight the paths of righteousness and leads us to the the narrow way."

"Make haste to fall into alignment with the will of God. Follow closely with your Lord and King. Hold up the banner of His righteousness. Keep your eyes focused on Him. He is the way, the truth, the life. Heed His call. He beckons you to come and seek shelter under His wings. Come joyfully. Come quickly and confidently. Come in to Him in every season. He calls His own by name. Come. Receive from the Lord your supply and protection. Draw Close. Keep His heart in view. He longs to protect and bless His people. Come." (07/22/2020)


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