"Come away from the sordid routines of life into My presence."
"Upon the mountains and the hills, the voice of the Lord is heard. Its sound stirs the hearts of those who hear. Come, My people, come to the mountain of the Lord. Come to receive wisdom and understanding. From the heart of your mighty God come truth and wisdom."
"Make haste to hear the words of your Lord. Words of love, words of encouragement, words of guidance and instruction, words of warning and preparation. Come to the mountain. Pull away from the sordid routines of life. Rise up. Come into My presence. See how My presence can make a difference in your day, your life, your plans."
"I have created you for purpose. Pull away and find My will for your life. Live purposefully. I come soon. Many there are that still do not know the truth. Spread My truth within your sphere of influence. I have placed you purposefully. You are well positioned to make the truth known where you are. Pray to be guided and used. I am able. Listen for My voice and respond. (09/09/2020)