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Who Am I To You?

Stephanie Hanouw

Updated: Jan 9

You are everything I need.
You are everything I need.

Lord, how do You want your people to see You as we advance into this 2025 new year?

"I am the Bread of Life, the Door, the Shepherd of My sheep. I am the mighty God who sees and hears the heart cries and the shouts of praise. I am your Heavenly Father who walks beside you encouraging you to continually pursue your journey toward Me. I am available to you every moment. You simply need to call upon My love; then, expect and see the response of your Lord. I am for you."

"In the quiet moments and the chaos of a busy day, I am available to you. You need only call upon that love. But, your call must be filled with faith. Unbelief will disguise My response and cause you disappointment - a tool your enemy wields skillfully to steal your faith. It is often subtle, but effective. Know that your times are in My hand. Rehearse it often. It is a truth that will empower you when you feel unable and ineffective."

"Remember that the plans and purposes I call you to are Mine. They do not fail. Rely on Me for direction, strength, and outcome. I am the master architect. No aspect of My plan and purpose has a flaw. I am able. I am worthy of your complete trust. Look to Me as you journey through your new year toward your destiny. I am present every step of the way. Keep your focus on Me. I have spoken." (01/01/2025)

This morning I heard a statement made concerning Matthew 15:16 which caught my attention. Jesus asked Peter, " ... but who do you say that I am?" As we enter into this new year, I think this is an important question to ponder - intentionally. Who do you say Jesus is? I'm convinced that your answer and my answer will have much to do with the way this year unfolds - positively or negatively.

Let the Lord know who YOU think He is as you enter 2025.


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