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Stephanie Hanouw

Whispers of Love

Walk with your Heavenly Father through the various seasons and circumstances of your life.

"In the quiet of the hour, the Holy Spirit moves silently and gently upon the hearts of those who seek. He calls softly and tenderly to the broken and weary ones. 'Come, My Beloved, to the Father of light and love. Hear His loving call. Answer the persistent knock [on your heart's door]. Don't ignore it. You are invited to step out of the darkness into the light of love and joy. Come. There is no condemnation - only love and forgiveness.' "

"I am a loving Heavenly Father, a friend to the poor and needy. I have a purpose for every life. I have a purpose for YOUR life. Come away. Walk with your Heavenly Father through the various seasons and circumstances of your life. I carry your heavy burdens. It is grievous that you would insist to carry them yourself. Don't hesitate. Don't ignore the call to love and freedom. They are already yours. Accept the gift I extend to you. Your Heavenly Father loves you." (10/31/2024)

If you have a friend or loved one that you have been praying for, consider sending them this message from the Lord. It is non-confrentational and will give them something to digest in their own way, their own time. I have prayed for the Holy Spirit to present it alive to each individual who reads it. If you have been praying for him or her, then the soil of their heart is at least partially prepared to receive the "Good News" of God's love and inviation to enter into a relationship with Him. Ask Him for His best next steps.

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