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They Don't Know

Stephanie Hanouw

Use YOUR voice for God's purposes!

"In the twilight of the hour, I speak to hearts - hungry hearts, broken hearts, hearts that don't even know Me yet, and still they cry out for help. There are those who take things into their own hands to self-medicate. They don't know what they need. I know their need of a Savior. I'm the one who knows them intimately, the one who knows how to help the wounds heal, and who can bring the light of truth to work powerfully on their behalf. Who can really know like the God who created them knows?"

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life they desire, but they don't know. I am the Lord, their God. I long to draw them close and shower them with My generous love. They don't understand. I wait with arms wide open, but they don't know. I call to them, but they don't hear My voice, the voice of love."

"You must use your voice to speak My love. As Moses spoke for Me, so must you speak My words to the broken-hearted and hurting ones I send your way. Speak My words of love and hope. Move as I prompt you. You carry a rich treasure and there's plenty to share, to offer to those in need. Trust Me to supply as you step up to serve. I am with you. You are My ambassador and My hands and feet."

"My great love is always reaching out to save and redeem lost and broken ones. Take My love to those that I bring to you. Make the difference you can make as a servant, a tool in My hand. I am putting My plan into motion as you trust and obey. I have called you for a purpose. The time is now to move into action as I lead the way. Listen well. Follow well. I will help you. It is My plan that we are implementing. Keep your focus on Me. I know the best way - in Jesus' name. I have spoken." (02/27/2023)

As the Lord's servants, He has granted us authority to go out according to His plan and impact our sphere for Him. A servant with authority is a bit of a new concept for me. Maybe I should use the word ambassador to understand it better. We each have a part to play in God's great plan of salvation. Let's not waste the treasure within us. We have been blessed. We are directed to share it with those in our path. Our good Lord promised to be with us as we go forth on His mission. Lord, give us the listening ear and obedient heart needed to carry out Your plan with grace, mercy, and power. I ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.

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