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Swelling Waves of Mercy

Stephanie Hanouw

"I am your lifeline, anchor, and strong tower."

What are your wishes, Lord, those you want to make known to me and others of Your children?

"Make Me the center of all you undertake. I am your lifeline, your anchor, your strong tower. I am your all in all. Come unto Me all you who are weary and burdened with cares. Come and rest in My presence. There you'll find love, joy, and peace waiting to greet and embrace you."

"There are treasures in My presence you know nothing of. Come and see the wonders and marvels that await you. I delight in your coming. As you draw near, My heart fills with delight. My beloved child, great is your Father's love for you. Do you find it hard to believe? Hard to accept as truth? Let your faith soar. Trust My word. Trust My love. It is for ALL My children."

Is that all you have to say, Lord?

"There is more. Great, swelling waves of mercy flow forth to My people, My children, from My Father-God heart. I hear the cries of the broken-hearted. I feel the pain of broken ones. I know the anguish of the injured innocents. I offer healing to a world overcome by sin. Return to Me. Return to your first love. See your Savior beckoning you with open arms. Hear Me lovingly calling your name."

"Then, come. Receive the embrace of My love. I wait, longing for you to realize the treasure in My invitation. Don't hesitate. The time quickly approaches when darkness will dominate this world. You must be ready in order to overcome the darkness. I provide the light you need. Stay close to Me. Know My voice. Keep a listening ear attuned to My call. I am your lifeline, your anchor, your strong tower. Stay close to Me." (12/02/2022)

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