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Surrender Your Anxious Ways

Stephanie Hanouw

Dwell on those things God instructs in His word!

"Let go of your anxious ways. Let go of the desire to and need to control the moments and events of your life. I am a good God. I am in control. I, alone, know the heart of man. Let the control rest with Me. Say, declare, and decree, 'My God, You are in control. I rest in Your control. I trust in Your control even when things seem out of control'."

"I am a loving God working for the good of My own. I see their [your] need. I see their [your] struggles. I see the best way to bring them [you]to the very best outcome which will draw them [you] closer to Me and advance My kingdom purposes. Have faith in Me."

"My ways are not your ways and My thoughts are not your thoughts. You must trust Me. I love you. I love Steve.* I love My family of believers. Not all things are as they appear to you. Follow My lead. Follow My word. Allow Me to speak to you through My word."

"Let go of your anxious ways. They are not My ways. The enemy will gain a foothold created by your anxious thoughts. Dwell on those things I instruct in My word [true things, noble things, right things, pure and lovely things, admirable and excellent things, and things praiseworthy]. My desire is to draw all men to Me."

"I am God, the Father, the righteous King, Creator, and Lord. My credentials are excellent. I am the God that loves His people and His creation. I am in complete control. My will, will be done. Walk with Me to victory. I am the Lord, your Holy One, and the victory is mine. Keep your faith in Me. (11/08/2019)

*Note: I wrestled with adding this sentence. I didn't remember it was there until typing it. I am leaving it in the message, because if God meant it to be for a specific "Steve", then who I am to change God's emphasis. God bless the Steve who needs to know God loves him!

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