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Step Into Your Purpose

Stephanie Hanouw

Updated: May 22, 2020

There are those waiting for you to fulfill your purpose.

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27

Rise up, oh Sleeper, rise up and face the dawn. The day is breaking. My plans lay ready and waiting for My people to rise up and enter their assignments! My kingdom waits. You need to be on task - the task I assign. There are those waiting for you to fulfill your purpose.

Rise up. Get busy. Be about the Lord's work. The harvest is ripe and ready. Follow My lead and bring in the sheaves. Many are ripe and ready to release their hold on this earth and enter into the kingdom of the Lord. You are instrumental in this process. You have a part. Pray. Speak. Go. Provide the resources. Each one has a part. No one sits idle during the harvest.

All hands on deck. The King is coming to rule and reign over His marvelous kingdom. Those who don't know Him long for that kingdom to come and to enter in. You must show them the way. They long for a father's loving touch, to know they are known of Him. The job is large. Many wait anxiously. They sense the time but don't know the way.

I have said before, "Show them the way." Make haste. The time is quickly approaching when no one can work. Darkness will prevail over the day. The light grows dimmer each passing day. Rise up and get your assignment. You are My servant. You do My bidding and I need you today. Today is the day of salvation for those ripe for harvest. Don't blow off a day. Each one is important to Me and another someone.

Rise up, oh Sleeper, rise up and leave the mark I've assigned to you. Time rushes on. Be mindful of your calling to serve. Make the difference you were called to make. Don't hesitate. Use your gifts and talents and My love and My power to change a life. I have equipped you for the assignment I appoint to you. The day is late. The hour is late. You must do your part. Ask Me. I will tell you.

Go in My power and My love into that for which you have been fitted since the beginning of time. Go forward unafraid. I am with you to make sure My plans are accomplished. I have anointed you for the task I give you. Be brave. Be bold. Be obedient. Be sensitive to My Holy Spirit's leading. We are a team. Put past failures and shortfall behind and go. I need you. (09/29/2017)

My friend, heed the words of the Lord. You are needed. You were created on purpose for a purpose. Don't let any false ideas keep you from your purpose. You are valuable in the Kingdom of God. That is truth! Any opposing thoughts are lies. Ask the Lord to show you your part!


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