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Stephanie Hanouw

Stand Strong

Don't give up. The Lord will lead you through.

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27

"Stand strong. In the midst of your enemies, stand strong. I am beside you to strengthen you. Lean upon your almighty God who takes you by the hand and leads you into victory. 'Stand strong', I say."

"I have called you to a purpose, and as you follow and obey, I will strengthen you. When you are weary, come into My presence and receive the refreshing I have for you. I give you My peace, My joy, My strength. Receive all that I have made available for you. You are My child, My joy! I delight in you. Make Me your ever-constant companion." (03/29/2021)

A few hours after receiving this encouraging word, I had the chance to see the need for it. Amazing! I don't doubt there will be future situations to which it will apply.

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