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Stephanie Hanouw

As we trust and obey, He will lead us down the right path.

"How many are the days of man's life [on earth]? Not many compared to the to the days of eternity. This life is short. Live each day to its fullest. The trials and tribulations of this life will soon come to an end. Love remains. My Word remains. I am both!"

"My heart's desire is that none should perish. As My hands and feet, you have an unction from the Holy Spirit to share the treasure you carry - My Gospel. It gives life to the lifeless, hope to the hopeless, and worth to those who consider themselves worthless. That is your mission: share the good news of the Gospel."

"Amidst your trials, tribulations, frustrations, and desires, share My good news. You don't know who needs it. I do. I will direct your steps. Trust the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Step out in faith. Take the chance. Ignore the negative 'what if...?', and know that you serve and partner with the creator of the universe. I know My creation from its smallest cell to its biggest hurdle. I have the answer. I AM the answer! To all those who believe, take My hand and prevail with Me, Savior of the World. I have spoken." (03/22/2022)

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