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Stephanie Hanouw

Share His Hope and Love

Updated: Sep 27, 2021

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27

"Rise up! Rise up! Rise up, oh, Sleeper and remember the task before you. My people are starving for hope. They need to know I love them, that I am conscious of them - their name, their whereabouts, their needs. They need to know that I am thinking of them, that I know the plans that I have for them - to give them a future and a hope."

"Their circumstances cause them to languish and lose hope. They need to know I care. I work on their behalf and on your behalf using all sorts of circumstances. They must know and understand that I care and that I am a compassionate God waiting to do good in their lives."

"Why don't they see it? Unbelief. Unbelief has blinded their heart. Pray for the removal of unbelief. Pray that I fill their hearts with faith in Me, their loving, faithful creator."

"The time is short. I will be returning soon. I am coming for a bride that stands ready with oil in their lamps. Many have no oil. Many have no lamp. They do not expect Me to return as I said in My word. They go on with meaningless lives, serving their pleasures and missing the true satisfaction I died to gain for them."

"They must believe. Without faith, they can not know Me or please Me. They must believe! Pray for faith to grow in their hearts. I have spoken." (01/14/2018)

The Lord reminds us that we have a part to play. We can't leave the task to another. We know the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and we must share the truth He gives. If you have been lax after being prompted by the Holy Spirit to fulfill an assignment, shake off the dust and start anew. You can still make a difference for those who need to know of the hope and love He longs to give.

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