Find solace and purpose in the Lord's presence.

"Up in the heavens, the angels rejoice, and the elders lay down their crowns in worship to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. All beings in heaven give praise to almighty God. There are thunders and lightening around His glorious throne. Praise, honor, and glory belong to the Holy One of Heaven."
Rise up inhabitants of the world; give the Lord of heaven and earth the glory due His name. Make Him known among the people. Humbly serve our righteous Lord who moves powerfully on behalf of His purposes. Serve Him with gladness while trusting His leading when the Holy Spirit prompts and directs. He gives strength to the weak, instruction to those that fall short, and comfort to those who are burdened with sorrow. Heavy hearts rejoice in His presence.
"Take up your cross and follow Me. Lay down your earthly burdens at the foot of My cross that you have access to when you acknowledge its presence throughout the day. Know that I am with you. I will never leave nor forsake you. You are mine and I am yours. Nothing can remove My own from My hand."
"Come. Find solace and purpose in serving the Lord your God. I am a loving, righteous heavenly Father who knows and loves you with an everlasting love. Come and receive My goodness. I have spoken. Believe." (07/23/2021)
The italics above represent my own thoughts - although I trust they are a result of the promptings of the Holy Spirit and align with His written word. I want to be careful to quote only those words which I know were His actual words to me - trusting that I heard accurately.