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Prepared for Battles

Stephanie Hanouw

Pull away from the busyness of life and come in close.

"Battles. They will be many and many will be intense. Expect them."

"Now is the time to be building a firm, steadfast foundation. Do not neglect pulling away from the busyness of life to draw close to Me. You will need the strength and guidance that only I can supply. You will need to learn My voice and build an unshakable trust in Me as Lord and Savior. You may find Me your only lifeline in some challenges. You will have to know that you know that you know that I am able to keep you to the uttermost."

"I love you, Child. The treasures I have prepared for you are remarkable - beyond anything you could ever imagine. Take My hand and survey the wonders beyond your wildest expectations. I am here for you and you are here for Me. Keep close enough to hear Me whisper encouragement, direction, and truth. Come to My table and eat of the delicacies I have lovingly prepared for you." (12/30/2022)

As we enter into 2023, it is imperative to stay close to our Lord, know His voice, and trust him to the uttermost. Our enemy, His enemy, is gaining confidence in the approaching darkness of this age. Our loving Lord is encouraging us to stay close to His side and listen so well that we can prevail in every battle that comes against us. We have a Heavenly Father who wants us (has planned for us) to be victorious. We must make the effort to draw close every chance we get.


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