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Prepared for Battle

Stephanie Hanouw

Use the tools of His warfare to your advantage - the sword, the name, the blood!

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27

"Mighty are the ones who trust in My name, who stand strong upon My words. Power is theirs to move mountains that hinder and block the paths of the lives of My people. I have assigned power to My people, but it lies unused like a forgotten weapon stored on a shelf. Take up the name of the Lord. Take up the word of God. Use those weapons against the giants and mountains that impact those in your sphere of influence."

"I am the same God as I was in Moses' day. My power is still supreme. My will is still in operation in the lives of My people and My land, but you must play your part. I have given My people, given you, My power to overcome the enemy. Learn how to prevail by using My name and My word. But, you must BELIEVE in your weapons otherwise the enemy will trick you out of your victory."

"Be strong and courageous. Trust. I will not fail you. Don't place your faith in your circumstances or what you see. Let TRUTH prevail not what you perceive with your eyes! Trust Me to move on your behalf. Accept My training, and learn My way to the victory you seek. I am faithful. I am able. I am the same God yesterday, today, and forever. Believe that I am for you and with you. Take My hand and overcome! Know that I am with you always. Keep the faith. Keep your eyes on Me. Make Me the center of all you do - all you are!"

"I am lighting the fires of revival and I'm calling all hands on deck. The time has come for a move of God that will boggle the minds of unbelievers and believers alike. Just follow My lead. Go with the flow of the Holy Spirit. Let Me do the orchestrating; you just follow the music as I write it. Take what I have given you and use it to the glory of God. I rule and reign, and My plans shall prevail regardless of any missteps, shortfall, or enemy attacks. Trust Me. I love you. I am in control. Amen." (04/12/2021)

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