God's peace calms the storms.

"When the winds howl and the waves rise up higher and higher, threatening and scary, Your peace, Lord, spoken with authority and love overcomes the fear and chaos. Your peace calms the storms - all storms. That which awaits is subject to Your purposes in each one of Your children's lives. Your purposes wait to be called into play."
"What can we say then? If You are for us, who can be against us? Let the waves roar; let the storm menace. Let the peace of God prevail and overcome. You are our rock of redemption, our strong tower. It is the might of Your arm that rescues Your children. You give strength. You empower us to leap over a wall and run through a troop of demonic entities assigned to kill, steal, and destroy Your children before their victory. Peace. Wonderful peace is the portion of Your children." (12/20/2022)