Keep your lamp trimmed and near since you don't know the exact time you will need it."
Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27
"My thoughts are not your thoughts. My ways are not your ways. Look up. See the redemption of your Lord drawing near. Let hope arise, stay rooted and grounded in your precious, holy faith. Look up. Your redemption draws near."
"Keep your thoughts clear and your eyes focused on the one who comes in the name of the Lord. Jesus is His name. He has fire in His eyes. His love radiates all around Him. He comes as a lion and He comes as a lamb - the Lion of Judah and the Lamb of God. He has salvation in His wings and a scepter in His hand. Rejoice! He is treading out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are sown."
"He is coming. He is near. The deaf will hear [Him[; the blind will see [Him]. He is doing a new thing. He is bringing in a new era. He is revealing Himself like never before - one last time. Keep watch. Do not miss the arrival of your Lord. Be ready. Keep your lamp trimmed and near as you don't know the exact time you will need it."
"Don't miss His coming. Take heart, child. Stay close. Stay focused. Keep rooted and grounded in the Holy of Holies. He is life. He is love. He is your joy and great reward. He comes with a reward for the faithful and vengeance for the rebellious. His time is drawing near. Draw close to your Lord. Rejoice, for He comes soon. Your redemption draws nigh. Rejoice!" (04/07/2020)