Our presence brings Him joy!
"Holy. Holy. Holy is your Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. The whole earth is full of His glory. Bow before your Lord. Serve Him with gladness for He is a righteous God, a loving Heavenly Father. Rejoice that you are called into His family."
"You are My ambassador, My hand extended to your generation. Be quick to serve and obey. My eyes move to and fro across the land that I might bless the righteous. Humble yourself before Me. It is My pleasure to do good to you."
"Come before Me with thanksgiving. Make a joyful noise. The whole earth is full of My glory. Acknowledge that glory and walk in it. See wonders unfold before you. I delight to bless. I delight to love. Serve Me with gladness for My great love for and goodness toward My children. I am Lord. King of Kings and Lord of Lords. My glory fills the earth and My love covers your sin. I am a faithful Father who delights in the praises of My children."
"Don't hold back; don't hesitate. I wait with open arms for you to draw near. My love waits patiently for you to enter in. Your presence brings Me joy. You are the apple of My eye and one of many sheep in My pasture. I am a loving shepherd, a loving Heavenly Father who lovingly looks after the needs of His flock. Draw near and bring pleasure to your loving shepherd. I love you. I provide for you. I have sought you out. You are mine." (04/18/2024)