Our Heavenly Father is always listening for your call.

"My child, the doors of heaven are open to you. I long to meet your need. I long to satisfy your hungry, thirsty soul. You need not beg. I wait at the ready to meet your every need."
"When you call, I hear. Call often. You can't call too much. My love watches over you. Waiting. Able. Ready. Come into My presence. I will never turn you away. I will never condemn you. I am for you not against you."
"Wait. Linger in My presence. There is fulfillment in the waiting. Joy. Peace. Satisfaction. They fill the atmosphere as you wait on Me. I enter as you wait with expectant faith. I come quietly; I speak softly. I smile at your presence."
"Know that you are loved. Only the finest of treasures are yours to keep. I chose them fitted and suited for you, individually. Rejoice in My choices for you. They come from My heart of love. Rejoice, dear child, in My eternal love for you. Amen. I have spoken." (07/11/2019)
The above message, is the Lord's response to a spontaneous time of praise and worship - an expression of love from me to Him. To make this declaration yourself, see the post "Declaring His Awesome Greatness!*" It should be next to "No Need to Beg*" (Watch for the asterisks.)