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Make Ready for Your Groom

Stephanie Hanouw

Updated: Sep 14, 2020

Responding to the Holy Spirit's inspiration emphasizing Jesus' soon return

Lord, Your people declare Your holiness. They say, "Holy is the Lord God almighty who created the heavens and the earth". They declare Your righteousness and Your majesty. They see Your mighty works in the heavens and on the earth and they say, "Holy is the Lord, God almighty, who never changes, who makes the hind to calve and the mountains to tremble, who yet feeds the beasts of the field and moves the hearts of kings, whose majesty is beyond compare".

"Who can surpass the Lord almighty? He is holy! He is righteous. He is creator and full of splendor. Holy is the Lord. Worship His holiness. Give unto Him the glory due His name. Lift His name high for the people to know it. Make His name known in all the earth."

Time is short. The people must know. Proclaim His name in all the earth. He returns soon bringing salvation in His hand. For now, He waits; but His longing to come for His people presses hard. Call upon the Lord while He may be found. Take hold of His hand and the salvation He offers. Don't hesitate.

He is coming for His bride - a spotless, pure bride. Are you ready for your groom to come? Do you know Him as Lord, Savior, and friend? Are you washed by His blood standing pure and clean and righteous before Him? Soon the trumpets shall sound and the bells will ring announcing His arrival - announcing the marriage of the Lamb. Will you be ready? Will you walk confidently towards your groom to meet Him face to face?

He is coming for a holy bride. - without spot or wrinkle. Seek to make ready for your groom. He comes with His scepter held high, with healing in His wings. Draw close. Prepare. The Holy Spirit will lead, guide, and comfort you as you prepare. Ask Him to assist you - therein is His delight - the reason for Jesus. Get ready. Your Lord's majestic return is near. Ask for all the help you need. (06/08/2019)

You may notice that the message dated 05/20/2019 is remarkably similar to this message. It is a sign that the Lord is making a point and really emphasizing its importance. Both messages are inspired by the Holy Spirit's longing to get our attention concerning His soon return.

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