Your Heavenly Father sees and hears.

"I have heard your prayer! There are forces at work that hinder the answers, but I have dealt with them. Praise Me for the answers that will soon be evident. My will and My plans WILL come to pass. Watch as the answers you seek begin to manifest before your eyes. Praise your loving Heavenly Father for bringing the answers to fruition."
"My loving heart sees and hears the heart cries of My loved ones. My father's heart longs to meet the need, but it will be accordng to My timing and My way. Hope in your Lord. Trust and do not be anxious. Rest in peace, knowing all things work together for good. Take heart, Loved One, I have heard your heart's cry. Watch and rejoice as your mighty God brings your desired answers to pass. I am a faithful Father as well as righteous and just." (07/23/2024)
This message was in direct response to an intense time of prayer as I poured out my heart's concerns.
Our great, Heavenly Father does hear. He does respond. It is our job to expect that He hears and cares and responds. Do you stop to listen after you have poured out your heart to Him? He really does hear and He cares. He has already informed us that "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27. Take the time to listen for His response. It may sound like your own voice, but test the response. Peace should follow.