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Stephanie Hanouw

Jesus is in the Storm with You.

Not all storms are deadly or meant for destruction.

"When the winds blow and the rains come, I am there - still beside you. The violence of the storm has no bearing on My presence. If you will be keenly aware of your need of Me, you will know that I am even nearer in the storm."

"Do not fear the storm. I am with you. Even the storm is under My rule and reign. You can focus on the intensity of the storm, or you can focus on the cleansing virtues happening after the storm is over. Even lightning, as destructive as it can be, adds nitrogen into the air blessing the plants."

"Not all storms that you encounter are meant for destruction. Even those which leave destruction in their wake bring forth opportunities for restoration, growth, maturing, and new strength. You have the opportunity to build relationship with Me to an even greater degree."

"All storms are not deadly. Go to My word and see the miracles that took place during storms. Know that I am with you. Know that I rule the storm. Take My hand. Call upon Me. Find Me in the midst of your storms and know that I will accompany you safely to the shores of your destination. Do not fear!" (08/03/2018)

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