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Stephanie Hanouw

Intricately and Intimately Known

God knows all His children by name.

"Take Me at My word. I have spoken through My prophets and through My word. I am not a man that I should lie. I am truth. I am love. My glory makes men able to see what no other can see. I am light. My light reveals truth. Oh, that men would taste and see the goodness of the Lord."

"I wait impatiently for men to receive the good I have in store for them. Many do not understand that the good things in their lives are direct blessings from My hand. I have thought of them and provided something for My child. I know and delight in My children - each one."

"I know them by name and all the intricate things about their lives. I know their rising and sitting, their going out and coming in. I know their joys and their challenges. I know their strengths and weaknesses. I am Father - loving, kind, and just. My ways are perfectly suited to each one of My children. Listen and obey. Carry out your part well. You are well equipped for all I have called you to do. Trust and do not be afraid. I am by your side and I will help you. I love you. (01/29/2020)

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