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Imminent Appointed Time

Stephanie Hanouw

"Draw near with a believing heart."

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27

"In the fulness of time, when My purposes have been accomplished, I will return for My people. My return is soon, and it is imminent. I come quickly and My reward is with Me. I am a God of My word. None of My words shall fail. I will not delay. I will come at the appointed time with healing in My wings. I am not a man that I should lie to you."

"Take My yoke and walk in step with Me. We will accomplish My purposes as you tend to that which I have assigned to you. You don't know the hour of My coming, so you must walk closely with Me moment by moment - day by day. Only when My purposes have been fulfilled by you will I call you home. Work while you still have My light available to you. Soon, darkness will prevail when no man [or woman] can work."

"The time is short and many have not yet heard the Good News I made available to each and every person. Impact those in your sphere. They need to hear that I love them, that I sent my only Son to lay down His life as an atonement for their sins. I don't take pleasure in seeing any soul perish. Make sure you spread the Gospel of My love."

"I am coming soon. Draw near with a believing heart. Follow My lead. Spread the Word. Some will choose to turn a deaf ear. Continue to spread the Word in spite of those who choose to reject My love and offer of eternal life. There are still many who will believe and receive. Make the effort. Those who choose to trust Me will rejoice. I am able. I am trustworthy. I am coming soon. I have spoken." (11/29/2021)

The strong awareness of God's presence was heavy upon me even while I prepared to run errands. Then, as I drove along, I couldn't help but praise and worship the Lord - the urge would not relent. I recognized His presence. When I finally reached my destination (twenty minutes later), I felt prompted to ask if He had something to say. I figured He must since He had been so obviously present the whole of my trip. I didn't want to miss the wonderful open door! He communed the message above. Now, if that isn't unique enough, approximately 4 hours later I "happened" to listen to Dr. Bill Hamon, a guest of Sid Roth, who spoke excitedly on the soon return of Jesus and how this "new era" opens doors of marvelous opportunities for believers to make Him known. I consider the whole of this encounter a confirmation and a call to action! My fellow believers, it's time to roll!!!


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