"Take into consideration the great sacrifice of your Lord because of His love for you. How great a sacrifice was made to reveal the rewards for you, My children. No greater love than a man lay down his life for a friend. YOU are My friend. My sacrifice was My gift of love to you."
"Open your eyes. Open your heart to receive ALL the goodness that flows from My treasure chest of heavenly blessings. Keep a keen eye, a keen focus on the multitude of goodness I pour out upon you. You are My beloved, the apple of My eye. Draw close, My Child, even closer. Such love and goodness await you in My presence. Draw near. I love you - forever and ever. Amen."
After a short pause, He continued.
"In the quietness of the hour, take hold of the goodness of your Lord - the One who loves you beyond measure. Soak in [absorb] the goodness, the truth, the peace, the joy of your Lord. Great are the wonders that await you. Your loving Heavenly Father gives generously to His loved ones. Make My joy full, and receive the goodness I hold in store for you." (02/25/2025)