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God Defends His Own

Stephanie Hanouw

Don't let the devil intimidate you.

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27

Oh, Lord, in the middle of the night, the darkest night, You are there already - waiting. Ready to meet the need. Ready to lavish love and support upon Your children. Ready with healing in Your wings. You are ever ready!

"Open up your heart and let the King of Glory enter. He longs to show Himself faithful to you. Don't let pride and self-sufficiency rob you of the riches He stands ready to pour out for you."

"The devil comes to kill, steal, and destroy. Keep aware of this fact. Do not give in to His intimidating ways. Hold your ground. Trust My word. Turn to me. Let your focus rest on Me. Take My hand and walk with Me to the victory. I alone know the way - the best way. Follow My lead. I will surely take you to the other side, to where you would go."

"Don't fret. Rejoice. I am your Savior. I am the rock upon which you stand. I am your solid ground when all else is sinking sand. Trust Me. I am able to save to the uttermost. Do not fear. I have not given you a spirit of fear. Fear is an enemy tactic. Keep aware and vigilant to recognize this. Keep close to Me and trust Me. I am your advocate and great reward."

"God blesses you. You are mine and all the Father has given Me I have kept safe and secure. I am holy, righteous, and fully able to keep that which is committed to Me. Peace to you. Amen." (07/12/2019)

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