Ask in faith, believing!
"Mighty is the One who comes to work on behalf of His children. It doesn't matter what each one faces. Your mighty God is willing and able to enter in on behalf of that child."
"What is it you need, Child? Simply ask. No matter is too big or too small. Simply ask, then believe. I stand at the ready. I hear. I respond. Do you believe? Do you trust? Do you watch for the moving of My heart and hand? Many times My children miss the blessing of My response because of unbelief."
"You must believe. You must trust. My Father's heart longs to move on behalf of His children. If you need to, ask Me to help you to believe - to trust. Ask for the "more" of all I offer. I am a generous, loving Father, who loves to provide for His loved ones. Don't give up your birthright as a child of God. Provision is in the storehouse for you, but you must access it by asking in faith. The coffers are full of My riches for you. You have only to ask for what you need. Then believe, trust, watch!"
"Your loving heavenly Father has spoken truth to you. Believe! Receive!" (04/27/2023)