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Dressed to Overcome!

Stephanie Hanouw

To win the battle, one must be suited up and ready.

The bells right out the announcement of Your coming - Your soon return. The earth is groaning under the strain of the impending struggle between darkness and light. (Inspired by the Holy Spirit's input.)

"Yes, the light wins, but the struggle is real. The battle is real. The victor has already been declared, but the enemy will never concede. His desire to win is too strong. His fury blinds him to the truth - the ultimate truth. Truth WILL overcome, but the battle must be fought. Put on your armor. Each part plays it own part in protecting you from the enemy's attacks. Put on the armor and stand confidently in its power to cover you in every area!"

I decided to put on the armor right then and there. As I verbally donned His armor, the Holy Spirit continued to impart a deeper understanding to me.

THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS: Because of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, I can distinguish between right and wrong. I can know how to choose rightly every time.

THE BELT OF TRUTH: The truth wrapped securely around my midsection is able to confirm my righteous choices and the direction that I choose to follow. Jesus is My truth.

THE SHOES OF THE PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE: I have the responsibility to share the good news of Jesus' peace I carry within me with those whose paths I cross. I don't have to respond angrily in a situation. I can let peace be king and rule the direction of my responses. People will lean in to hear a gentle answer and not find reason to recoil at a hell-driven, angry outburst.

THE SHIELD OF FAITH: Over all the above, I take up faith. It stands in front of me, covering me with sure protection from head to toe. I can advance against the enemy because my shield of faith quenches all the attacks hurled at me.

THE HELMET OF SALVATION: It covers my mind to remind me of whose I am and who I am. It reminds me that I am no longer a prisoner of the kingdom of darkness. I have been rescued and redeemed from the the curse, from the enemy who still resists the Lordship of My Lord.

THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT: The all-powerful Word of almighty God. Sure words. Life-giving words. Overcoming words. Words that already declare the victory is mine regardless of the situation at hand. I am more than a conqueror wearing His armor and am able to stand against the tricks of the devil.

PRAYER: Never stop praying. I must keep an open line of communication with my heavenly leader in order to receive the strategies that will be most effective against the enemy that waits to take me out. (12/25/2019)

Have you put on the Armor of God today? It is imperative if you want to be left standing at the end of the spiritual battle that rages daily around God's children - especially those who are busy with His agenda! Think about the importance of each piece for the battle you are in.

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