"Don't doubt and thereby open the door for the enemy."
Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27
"Mighty. Mighty. Mighty are the workings of My Spirit's move of love on behalf of My people. Make haste to see His efforts to rescue and save. Don't doubt during the delays. Keep the faith. Delays aren't denials, although doubts within delays can cause denial."
"Hear the word of the Lord. Don't doubt! Doubts open doors for the enemy to come in to kill, steal, and destroy. Don't doubt. Take up your sword and resist the doubts. They cause harm and delays. Keep attuned to the words of your Lord. They are truth, and they are life. Trust, and do not be afraid."
"I am going to do a new thing. Wait for it. Watch for it. Expect a move of your glorious Lord. The bells are ringing announcing its coming. Your Lord brings good things. Expect good. Don't rush the timing. My plans and timing are perfectly orchestrated. Wait patiently. Don't doubt. Keep the faith."
"I will do it. I am able. I am willing. Trust Me. Let peace have her place in your heart. I am in control. Declare it. Believe it. You Lord is a master architect and choreographer. Of whom should you be afraid? No one. Your Lord is on your side and is in control. Keep the faith. Amen!" (10/30/2019)