"Make Him known among the people." Psalms 105:1b
Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27
We are children of the King. He didn't leave us as orphans. He adopted us into His family, His Kingdom. We live in His castle. We go out humbly among the people with all the resources and supplies available to the children of a King! We go out to do good to the people - humbly using our resources to do good, to make a difference, to change lives. We are like Peter whose shadow, just by its touch, could change a person's life.
When we walk out of the walls of the castle, it is God directing our steps along the paths that He orchestrates! We don't have to worry about disturbing a vast, eternal plan in someone's life if we feel compelled to do them good by speaking healing, supplying them, encouraging them or any other good thing. "And He (Jesus) went about doing good"...Acts 10:38
Come out of the gates of the castle into the world and make a difference with your presence. Go! Do good, make a difference, and change lives on behalf of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You are a child of the King! "Make Him known among the people." Psalms 105:1b (12/28/2016)
Although this isn't a direct word, He did inspire and prompt this truth in my heart. I wrote it out. Have you left the castle lately to do good to someone along your path? Don't be afraid. He will never leave nor forsake you. (1 Chronicles 28:20)