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Do You Really Believe God Loves You?

Stephanie Hanouw

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27

"The ancients marvel at the state of affairs today. So much hatred, so much unrest. So much turning away from the honor and reverence due those in high places..."

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"Make Me famous. Go out into the highways and byways and declare the goodness of the Lord."

"I love My people. I love to gather them under My protective wings, but they don't hear Me call. So many other voices crowd in and cause confusion and My children miss My call. They don't realize the blessing that I have prepared for them, the blessing that sits waiting for them to take and apply to their lives. So many wonderful things they miss because they aren't listening. They don't hear."

"These are My children. They know My name. They call Me Father but don't receive the good I have for them. They don't believe I'm good. They say I am good, but they don't believe it. They say, 'Oh, yes, God loves me', but they don't believe that either."

"My children must draw near to Me, to learn of Me, to know My love does not hold back any good thing. I am a loving, wise Father. Not all they ask for is good and in My love, My great love, for My dear children, I hold back the desired thing. I risk being misunderstood for the good of those I love. If they knew Me, if they believed I was good, they would trust Me. If they believed that I love them, they would trust Me and rest assured in that love."

"I am a loving God. I long for sweet communication with all My children but many don't know Me. They only know of Me. Unnecessary fear keeps them at bay like those in Abraham's day. Their fear kept them from drawing close. Only Abraham received the blessing of My friendship."

"My child, remember, I am a loving father. You must believe that I love you with an everlasting love. Draw near to Me - nearer and nearer. Draw nearer each day than the day before. I am love. I love you." (11/12/2017)

How about you? Do you really believe that God is good, that He loves you - the "real" you? Do you rest assured in this belief? If not, why not draw near and get to know Him better? You will be delighted at what you find in His presence.


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