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Stephanie Hanouw


Learn to overcome the distractions.

“My Child, many are the attempts of the enemy to distract you from a strong walk with Me. You intend to come into My presence but the smallest, most insignificant interruption pulls your attention away. With every realization of a distraction, turn your focus back to Me. Soon you will recognize the tempter’s efforts and avoid them. Learn to recognize the subtle agenda of your enemy.”

“You are like a child learning to walk. That child’s father encourages his child to get up and to keep moving forward. No shame is given because of the fall, only encouragement to keep on – to try again. So it is with your Heavenly Father. I do not impart shame to you when you fall into the tempter’s distracting efforts. I encourage you to keep moving toward Me when you realize the snare. I wait with open arms. It is good; it is necessary for you to come close to Me. No matter the interruptions on your approach into My presence, the arrival is worth the journey – every time."

"I love you, Child. Enter into an intimate time with Me. Come often despite the challenges of the enemy to thwart your effort. Do not let discouragement hold you back. I am a patient Father longing to enjoy the fellowship of His child. I am always ready to welcome you. Come in spite of the distractions. I love you.” (12/23/2024)

Did you have something else you would like your children to know?

“Your Lord is holy! Holy is His name. Mighty God. Everlasting Father. Prince of Peace. Yet, Child, I call you into My presence to bless you. You are My prized possession created in My very image. I have chosen you and placed you in My family. You are Mine. My covenant with you is strong and resolute. Nothing can take you from My hand once you have given your life to Me.”

“I am here for you. You are here for Me. We are a team working to bring the lost ones to the knowledge of salvation and eternal life. Lift up your eyes to your glorious Lord, and see the beauty of His holiness. Oh, the wonders that await you! You can never imagine their beauty. Come into My presence, and taste My goodness. I wait with great longing for you to come. I have spoken.” (12/23/2024)

If you have the time to read, reread, and reread again, the impact of the Lord's loving message will touch your heart in ways you can never know otherwise. How loving and glorious is our Heavenly Father! Let me know if you find I'm correct.

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