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Choosing to Stick Close

Stephanie Hanouw

God's watchful eye is ever aware of your need.

"Many are the things that draw My people away from Me. Time. Money. Pleasures. Relationships. Many good things draw them away. Don't let that be so with you. I am your Lord. My love for you is rich and deep. Experience and enjoy My love. Draw close to Me. Take My hand when the way is rough and challenging. Only then will you see and know My faithfulness."

"My eyes are keenly aware of all that is happening in your life. Never is there a time when I do not see or hear. Take heart in that truth. My watchful eye is ever aware of your need and your situation. Take heart. Trust and believe. Let My way and My plan be your way and plan."

"Keep your faith in Me. I do not fail you. My way is perfect - evermore. Draw near. Receive the good I have for you. Trust Me. Hang all your hopes on My great love. Never a minute of doubt. All My promises are yes and amen. I love you. Stay near to your Lord and King. I love you." (11/07/2019)


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