Don't hold back My love and My truth.
"Open up the flood gates to allow the pouring in of My love and My truth. Don't hold them back. As you are overcome and saturated, you are better equipped to give to another. Don't limit the move of the God of the universe in your life. You need the power and the presence to accomplish that to which I have called you. Take My hand. I hold it out to you. Do not let pride steal from you. I offer solace, strength, joy, companionship. These are for ALL my followers, My children."
"Come into My presence with a believing heart. Soar on the wings of My plans accomplished. We are partners. We work together. You are My ambassador, My hands, My feet. You carry Me into a situation and work My purposes when you trust and obey. Oh the thrill of seeing a God-move in the life of one who struggles. It releases a surge of joy that not everyone can know. Only My obedient children are positioned to know this joy."
"Do not strike out on your own! Follow Me into the fields ripe for harvest. There is much work to accomplish before My soon return. The days grow darker, and as they do, the light shines brighter and is needed more than ever. Not all will welcome the light because they desire the darkness to cover their evil deeds. Do not be surprised - expect it. Don't put a damper on the light you carry. It is My light and there are those who will welcome it. Shine My light while it is available. To some it will be the difference between life and death. Offer life. I do the rest."
"Beloved, know that I am still in control. Nothing escapes My notice. My plan of the ages moves forward just as I have ordered. Take comfort in this truth. Eternal riches await those who believe and do not lose heart. I love you. I've got this. Just follow Me and obey. My ways and My will are perfect. Peace be with you. I have spoken it." (12/09/2022)