"Make it your mantra."
"Be kind for I am kind. My lovingkindness is available to any and all who will receive it. Kindness is to be your mission. Don't hesitate to be kind. It may cost you time, money, inconvenience, or ____________. "
"Be kind. Make it your mantra. Start with your husband [or wife]. Then, widen your circle of influence. Be ye kind as I am kind. Don't hold back. Don't base your action on worthiness. Be kind-always."
"Take My hand and I will help you when you feel overwhelmed. My word tells you to let patience have her perfect way. Patience is a virtue. It is part of My goodness. You will need patience to be kind. Don't hesitate to call upon your Lord when you need patience and find it not. Call upon Me and I will help you."
What about those who are impatient while I take their time to be kind?
"Leave the naysayers, those who resent acts of kindness, to Me. You, be kind. You will be an example of the goodness of your Lord, and it will spur others into action as a benefit of your obedience. I am well aware of those who make being kind hard to do. Your enemy would resort to any means to push you away from representing Me will. Put him under your feet and be kind." (10/26/2021)