Be quick to call upon your Lord!
"In the middle of the chaos and confusion, you will find your Lord and Savior ready to reach in and bring you out into a wide open place of peace and rest. I am near to the weary. Only the truly weary ones can appreciate the rescue of a Savior. They may think it their last breath, their last moment, but I am there to revive and refresh, to breathe new life into a worn out child of Mine."
"Be quick! Call upon your Lord. He stands ready to pull you up out of the miry clay, to set your feet on solid ground. As a shepherd is ready to help His sheep, so am I ready to help MY sheep. When all seems lost, I am present. My rod and staff are there to bring comfort to My lost and weary ones. Do you not see the loving kindness of your Lord?"
"I wait for every opportunity to pour out My love upon you. Many don't realize the source of the goodness that pours into their lives. It is the goodness of a loving Father who delights in His children. Call upon Me, Child. My purpose is to bless you, to walk and talk with you, and to draw you ever closer to your Heavenly Father. Therein, you will find your peace, your rest."
"Draw close to the loving heart of your Lord. Know the heart of your Father. Accept the loving gifts He offers. He is a good Father, full of mercy and grace. Enter in and find love, joy, and peace. I have spoken." (01/16/2023)