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Always Loving You

Stephanie Hanouw

"Many are the times I wrap My loving arms around My loved ones to comfort, to soothe, and to strengthen. I pour out My love generously and delight in the smiles that follow. I am a loving Father. I delight in blessing those in My family. There are no strings attached. I love because I am love."

"Many are the ways I show My love. I am not limited as an earthly father is. My ways are often unique and mysterious. Often times My ways boggle the minds of those who receive My love. When was the last time you paused to take account of the unexpected way(s) you felt blessed? Did you know it was Me? Did you feel My touch? Did you sense My presence? Did you see My fingerprints on your experience?"

"I am always loving you, Child. Slow down and take notice of My loving touches on your life. Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of Lights. So many gifts I have to shower upon My children. There is no earning a gift, only receiving - gladly, humbly receiving - from your Heavenly Father who calls you 'the apple of My eye'."

"Rise up, Child, walk into your sphere with confidence and trust believing that your Heavenly Father loves you and has wonders in store for you. I invite you into My presence where great joy and contentment await you. Receive My love as a priceless gift. I give it freely and abundantly. Then, pass it on to another needy soul! Seek to stay focused on Me and see marvels appear in your path. I am love. I give love. Share it with others. I have spoken. Believe Me for the very works' sake. I love you." (05/10/2023)


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