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A Spotless Bride

Stephanie Hanouw

Are you prepared?

"The bells are ringing out the soon return of My kingdom's reign. Many are not prepared. They sit back and carry on with life as usual not knowing the state of their spiritual affairs. But, I know them, and I am warning them to take heed to the things eternal ~ things more important than jobs, items, and activities."

"I'm returning for a spotless, a pure bride. I am integral in that process. No one can make themselves, of themselves, suitable for My kingdom. Only My Son can present to Me a spotless bride. Man must cooperate and see the value of relationship to Me. Cleansed by the blood. Healed by the stripes. Believing. Trusting. Surrendering. The way is simple although not easy."

"Are you trusting completely?

Are you washed by the blood?

Are you healed by the stripes?

Where do you stand?

Are you ready to ascend to the Kingdom's Heavenly home?

Are you drawing closer to your God and groom?"

"The time is near. Ten virgins had the opportunity, but only half were able to benefit from their calling. They were prepared. They were ready. How will it be with you?

Are you prepared?

Are you ready to join your groom?

Are you drawing closer to your Lord?

Are you attending to the gentle whispers of your Holy Spirit?"

"I am coming soon to collect My own from the kingdoms of this world. The warning is of sober intent. My people must be prepared. Draw close. Be ready. I have spoken." (10/24/2023)


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