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Stephanie Hanouw

"Be ready for My arrival. I am so near!"

"Make a way for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to come through. He approaches with majesty and pomp. Lift up your head and see your mighty Redeemer approaching His throne to rule and reign. The time is near. Fix your heart. Take your stand, [because] your King's foes are also on the move. They bring deception and confusion. Again, I say, 'fix your heart. Stand firm on the truth delivered to you.'"

"Do not waiver. The word of your Lord is steadfast and true. Depend on His word. It is everlasting. Do not be decieved. Cling tightly to your God. He alone is able to save your soul from the enemy's snares."

"My Children, be ready for My arrival. I am so near. Pull in close to your Lord. Make time with Me a priority. In Me you will find safety and wisdom. I am your safe place, your strong tower, your everlasting hope. Pull in close. I delight in you, My child."

"Many are seeking worldly solutions and focusing on temporary pleasures. I offer everlasting love, joy, and peace. Do not be deceived by the world's offering. You are Mine. I have made the Way. Fix your heart on that Way. Resist the temptations. Resist the distractions and illusions. I am approaching. My arrival is near. Keep close to Me. I love you. I have spoken." (06/03/2024)

Thank you, Lord, that because of Your love, You give us a heads-up - a warning - not to scare us but to prepare us. Give us the needed grace to heed Your warning and diligently obey. Help us not to stray to the right or to the left but to keep our focus on You, our Rock and our Redeemer. Let us be keenly aware of the Holy Spirit's guidance, direction, and redirection, when needed, and then to obey. We must choose to trust. I, personally, choose You and Your way. Amen.

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Stephanie Hanouw

"I go before you."

"Open up the shallow waterways so they may be filled to the full with the Water of Life. What is man when he walks throught his life empty and lost? He is dry and barren, seeking to quench his thirst but to no avail. Life is found only in the Son of God. All else is vain. He [man] will not understand the way to that Living Water. Jesus is the way. It is My desire that My ambassadors lead the thirsty ones to the source of the Living Water."

"Be keenly aware of the opportunities I place before you. Do not fear. I go before you to prepare the way. Trust My leading and obey. I am with you. My words will not return to Me void of having made their impact. Even if you do not see or are suprised by the response, know that the rest is up to My Holy Spirit. I am the Way Maker. I give the increase - the results. Your mission is to obey and trust the rest to Me."

"Don't let doubt hinder your response. Time is of the essence. The world needs to know of My love and the Source of the Water of Life. I want to use you in My kingdom purposes. I have gifted and prepared you for the assignments you are called to. Dive in, confident that I am at your side and that love is My motive. Stay close to Me to receive all the strength you need to serve Me well. You are a servant, a tool in the hand of the Master. Trust Me. I love you." (05/30/2024)

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Stephanie Hanouw

Look closely at the small details.

"Beauty exists in the twilight of the hour. There is beauty all around. Flowers. Trees. Clouds in the sky. They display My creative ways. Can you experience the awe of My creation as you look closely at the smallest details? Ask for eyes to see. Don't be so busy and hurried that you miss the wonders of My unique designs."

"My creation of man is just as unique as any flower, leaf, or starry sky. Do you see the beauty of humankind? Do you marvel at My creativity of unique traits and personalities? Mankind is My prized accomplishment made in the image of My son."

"Rejoice in the wonder of man's salvation. Redeemed from the curse. It is offered to each and every individual. Such beauty awaits each one who receives My invitation. I bid each to come. It is a choice. Some choose not to come - not to see the beauty of kingdom life. They place their trust in the temporary things of this world. They miss the true joy and bliss of My presence. Let it not be said of you. Enter in. Open your eyes to the beauty before you. Rejoice! In My presence is fullness of joy." (05/21/2024)

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