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Stephanie Hanouw

He is worthy!

"Oh, come! Let us worship the Lord together, for He is a great God, a loving, forgiving Heavenly Father who does NOT hold our sins and shortfall against us when we repent.

Bless His holy name and make known His deeds among the people.

Lift up the name of the Lord, God Almighty, for He is high and lifted up and worthy of ALL [and any] praise.

His train fills the temple.

He rules over the universe He created.

He is a good God, a good Heavenly Father.

He willingly sacrificed Himself for the sake of all mankind.

Lift up His name.

Lift up holy hands sending forth glory and blessing to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

He is worthy.

He has given the victory to His people.

Make His praise glorious!


Bow before Him.

Bow down and go low in the presence of your Lord and King.

He takes the wrong and makes it right.

He takes the right and draws it closer to Himself.

Oh! Worship the Lord in His holiness.


We all have a reason to praise God. Why don't you take a minute or two - right now -

to give Him praise simply for being an awesome, loving, forgiving, almighty God. Psalms 144 to 150 are good places to start if you need a prompt. Or, praise Him for the things in your life that He has brought to pass, great and small. He is worthy of your praise and thankfulness. Give it a try - even one sentence will bless His heart. It will make a differece in the rest of your day, too! : )

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Stephanie Hanouw

Stay close to your Heavenly Father wherein blessings abound.

"Keeping tryst with Me is primary! Don't forgo this aspect of relationship with Me. You MUST stay close. I have blessings to bestow on those who draw close to Me. Strength arises, troubles melt, and your strength is restored. Can you imagine the impact of that truth? It IS possible to walk hand-in-hand with your Lord."

"Many miss the possible, intimate friendship [with Me] thinking that I am far and removed. That is wrong. I am near. I am near enough to hold your hand and help you. I am near enough to hear you whisper a prayer. I can even hear a heart's silent cry. I am not far and removed."

"I am a God who loves you and has your best in mind. Come to Me all of you who are weary and carrying heavy burdens. Call upon your loving Heavenly Father who is able to meet your every need. My love offers nothing less. Take My hand and walk with Me. Draw near. Call upon My love. Call upon My help. I am near. My love is ALWAYS reaching out. Bless My heart and grab hold of that which I offer. We both receive a blessing. I have spoken." (06/10/2024)

What an encouraging word from our Heavenly Father. He continually offers us an open invitation no matter the state of our affairs. Worn out, drained, stained with sin in our thoughts, actions, or inactions, He says, "Come close." His love offers us a friend/Savior in our time of need. Let's bless the Lord and accept His offer. We will both receive the blessing.

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Stephanie Hanouw

"Receive My grace and mercy."

"Draw in close to Me. I see your turmoil. I see your hunger for righteousness. I am with you. Take solice in this truth. Let it bring a peace and a calm to your soul. You serve a God who loves you, knows you, and helps you."

"I am a loving Heavenly Father. I am able and willing to take what's wrong and make it right. Release the troubles and worries into My care. Do not continue to pine over falling short of My example. Receive My grace and mercy that I offer afresh EVERY morning."

"Do not give in to the enemy's taunts. He is an accuser - day and night! He has no mercy. He offers nothing good. Any seemingly good thing is only an illusion. Do not be snared. His tactics are subtle. Know My word and abide therein."

"I am for you not against you. You are the child of a loving Heavenly Father. Cling to that truth. Lift your head, Child. You are acknowledged and valued by your Heavenly Father. I am aware of ALL you face whether it stems from self or outside circumstances. Trust your righteous Redeemer. I will never leave nor forsake you. I love you. Receive My peace, and go forward unafraid. I have spoken." (06/06/2024)

What an encouraging word from our Heavenly Father! Thank you, Lord, for your loving kindness and constant invitation to enter into a closer walk with you!

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