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Stephanie Hanouw

 "Your Lord's love has opened the door of goodness and blessing."

You are My handiwork of great price.
You are My handiwork of great price.

"Great is the mercy of your Lord. Although high and lifted up, He is closer than a brother. His love is beyond measure - limitless."

"Great is your Lord and greatly to be praised. He gave His life willingly for His beloved. He is merciful. He is mighty. He is the one from whom ALL blessings flow. Lift up the name of your glorious Lord. Praise Him. Praise His holy name."

"The wind in the willows declares His greatness. Oh, taste and see that your loving Heavenly Father is a good God - faithful and true. Take it upon yourself to draw near and delight in your Lord. Oh, the wonders that await you."

"Divine longing waits to impart goodness to My children. Come, Child, receive with gladness and thanksgiving. Your Lord's love has opened the door of goodness and blessing. Enter in and see, once again, how loving and kind and good your Heavenly Father is. I wait with great anticipation for your arrival. You are mine. The apple of My eye. My joy. My handiwork of great price. Come and delight in your Lord. I love you. I am coming soon. Draw near. Be ready. I have spoken." (02/15/2025)

Stephanie Hanouw

Draw close!
Draw close!

My first spoken inspiration upon rising today: In the midst of chaos and turnoil, You are there. You are the Master of peace and calm, of order and alignment. Great is Your faithfulness to Your children. From the rising of the sun until it sets in the west, You are found faithful. What great joy one experiences when we embrace Your goodness. It is a thrill like no other.

My prayer: Come, Lord Jesus, and bless us with Your presence. You are our hope and salvation. Lead us in the ways of Your righteousness as we humble ourselves before You and seek Your face. We love You, Lord. Your children adore You and count it a privilege to serve in your plan to advance Your kingdom. We are humbled by Your goodness. Thank You for choosing us to be a part.

Lord, do You have something to add?

"Oh, the wonders of My presence! They are rich and life-giving. Do not take them for granted. They are part of the blessing of being a child of Mine. Not all who call Me 'Lord' can embrace the wonders. They call Me 'Lord', but do not draw close to Me. You who draw close to Me experience the wonders of My presence. Your love for Me draws them out."

"Never hesitate to draw close to your Heavenly Father. Blessings, more than you can contain, wait in store for you there. Walk the straight and narrow path with Me. We are a team. The lost ones wait for the Good News that will set them free from a life of useless searching and wandering. See the opportunities I set before you. Don't be afraid to make the difference needed. You are My hands and feet. Be encouraged. I am for you. I am a loving Heavenly Father, and you are partnering with Me. I am for you. Be encouraged."

As I am praying into this message, my prayer is interrupted.

"Fight the good fight of faith. The rewards are great! You can not even imagine how great they are; finite minds are not able. The mind of your God is limitless in its ability to bring the impossible into being. Marvelous wonders will astound you! Little do you know of the marvels that lie ahead." (02/04/2025)

Sometimes, I wake up in the morning with spontaneous declarations of God's goodness. It isn't frequent, but when it happens, I am convinced it is "inspired" by the Holy Spirit. Maybe I hear it spiritually and then simply repeat it. I'm not altogether sure of the "how". I have included that small bit, because I believe it is part of the wonders of intimacy with our Lord. It isn't just for me; it is for any and all of God's children who snuggle in close enough to hear Him whisper. I know He delights in intimacy with His kids. I want to encourage you to draw close to our Heavenly Father. I am sure you will find that His wonders are beyond your wildest imaginations and worth the time and effort it takes to draw close. I'm excited for you to experience it, too.

Stephanie Hanouw

Travel free of the weights that weigh you down
Travel free of the weights that weigh you down

"Oh, blessed Child, hear what your Lord has to say. I love you. I am for you. I am your shield and strong tower. I am your safe place. Come to Me. Rest here in My presence. Let the water of My words bring refreshment to your weary soul."

"My Child, you carry burdens that only a holy God can carry. Give them to Me. Travel free of the weights that burden you down. Joy. Laughter. Love. Carry these and see the difference they make. Reach out and take the blessings that I have provided for your journey toward the destiny I have planned for you. I am a good Father longing to bestow upon His sons and daughters wonders beyond your imaginations."

"Come into My presence and receive love, joy, peace, and contetment. In My presence is fullness of joy. You will see. Taste of the goodness of your Lord. You belong to Me. You have the privileges of citizenship in the Kingdom of God. I rule and reign in righteousness and love. Enjoy your privileges. My love for you made them available. Come to My table of goodness provided for you. You are Mine. I love you." (01/28/2025)

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